Hill Farm---I raise chickens , goats , 1 horse and a few cows. I enjoy taking care of them and photographing them. I write stories about them and children. I take care of my husband now that has Dementia--so life is different and changing. I am a christian woman that loves the Lord and know he is watching over us.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Country Store
Had a wonderful weekend with the family. We had youth day at our church and our youth did a wonderful job and we had a visiting youth pastor and his wife that sang some beautiful songs for us. The pastor spoke about are we real or do we wear masks?
I have thought on this and we have to watch or we can be guilty of this.
We also went to Cedar Rock, went on a hayride to see all the scare crows and the great grand kids had fun doing all the fun things on the farm.
Mr Farmer Man is doing pretty good right now. I know he is not the same as he once was but he got to go back to Ardmore Flea market again. Two daughters took him.
I got to stay home with the dog that walked back and forth to the door until he came home. He bought some treasures--- marbles, jars, some old wrenches and old knives, he had all of these things already. It's OK this gives him something to play with.
Aunt Maria
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I have been so quiet lately. That doesn't mean things are not going on, they are.
Farmer man has been doing pretty good. He gets confused at night--every night.
We have discussions as to where the dog sleeps and which way to his bed? You know this is very confusing to him. I sometimes take him by the arm and say this way---Oh Yes, he says ,I know now. Life goes on no matter what.
Well I will tell you about my chickens, they are so smart. Oh, i am sure you think chickens aren't smart. My cabin where I do a lot of my creations, where i like to try to do some creating, is special to my little hens now. On my front porch i have a collection of lots of old things like wooden boxes, corn sheller, old barrel, trunk, little red wagon and other wonderful things. The hens have chosen this place to make their nests and lay their eggs everyday. I get 5 eggs there a day, and Miss Moses is sitting in the corn sheller again on 9 eggs and will hatch in mid November.
I will let you know when the babies get here. Well I will see if i can find a picture of my cabin porch to show you. It may be a mess to you but my little hens and i like it. This is not the picture I intended to be on here , this is a little painting i did for one of my cards. I will get the cabin porch some other time.
Aunt maria
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Just had to share all my chickens with you.
Aunt Maria [The Chicken Whisperer]
Some cute little faces.
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Some simple projects using tin cans, paint, glue and felt, and happy kids enjoying themselves and some adults enjoying themselves too.
Love Aunt Maria
Friday, October 9, 2009
Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing;therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Uncle Omar[Farmer Man] has had a pretty good week during the day but not at night.
Tonight he didn't know where to go again to sleep. He said, Louise told him where to go. I told him he was back at his old home again.I told him Louise was gone and then he gets quiet. I can almost feel the confusion he is having. I told him come with me and I will take you to your bed and tuck you in. I do that and he knows where he is at when I get to his room. So the thing I am trying to say here is I do try to have understanding in this life we are living now. I really don't think many people want to know about this kind of life. When you are young you never think about something like this. I have been there I know. Well I will write about this some to help me to get wisdom and understanding. I ask God for both. I know he hears me and I praise His Holy Name. Thank you Jesus.
Aunt Maria
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Psalms 23:6 Living Bible
Psalms 23:6 Living Bible
Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all the days of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home.
Isn't it wonderful that we can speak to God personally one on one. I am looking forward to living with him in His home.
HOME---That is a place we all look forward to go to. After all your family is gone and there is no more home to go to it is sad. In your mind you can go back home and remember the good times and the bad. Mostly we remember the good things about home.
It seems Farmer man has been going back home in his mind lately. He asks about sisters that are gone. He wanted to visit one of his brothers that has dementia also. We did go visit him today and his brother asked about one of the other brothers that is also dead, he wanted to know if he had seen him lately.
These two brothers are so much alike , they sat on the couch together and talked some about things they did remember. It is alright that everything they talked about wasn't exactly correct, but they were together, they enjoyed that.
When Farmer Man was a little boy there was six little boys in the family and six little girls,WOW,and they slept up stairs, boys to the left girls to the right.
Now when it gets dark he asks me ,now I go up stairs and turn left ,don't I?
I say, "that's where you slept when you was a little boy". Now you live with me and sleep down the hall to the left. We do not have an upstairs. He says ." Oh yes I know that." We just laugh about a lot of things now and I cry some too.
I am thankful I still have a sister I can talk to not as much as I want to though.
I am thankful to God for the blessings each day.
Aunt Maria
Monday, October 5, 2009
Psalms 23:5 Living Bible
Psalms 23:5
You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies.you have welcomed me
as your guest; blessings overflow!
Delicious food I did partake of yesterday, we had Homecoming at Mt Lebanon UMC and we had a wonderful day. There were many guests and old friends and lots of food-food -food. Blessings overflow as always where God is present. My four daughters
all came and lots of other family members --grandchildren and great grandchildren.
The oldest daughter Dianna, and the group she sings with blessed us with four beautiful songs
Even in the presence of having a blessed day things can change quickly.
Dr. Gray, my son-in-law stayed home with Old Farmer Man. We got home about 12:30pm
and found that Farmer Man was wrapped in blankets from head to toe having raging chills and burning up with fever. Dr. said it just came on fast so he thought he might be coming down with Swine Flu. He does this when he has urinary track infection or colon problems. I did go get Tami flu but we decided it was colon problems again.
I gave him Tylenol and Cipro in the afternoon and at bed time.
Amazing as it sounds people with dementia are much like a child they cannot tell you where they hurt. I have learned some of the signs and signals. I do believe last week when he was doing and saying some strange things, it was the infection coming on. He got up this morning and like a child again he was fine, he said. He is much better today and will take the antibiotics ten days.
In the midst of all this going on I was to go pick up my prize money,$500.00, for Old Farmer Man Scarecrow winnings. I did go get it and that if course was a blessing.
I live an interesting life now---Oh it has always been interesting and blessed.
Thank God for all of it.
Love Aunt Maria
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Psalms 23:4
Psalms 23:4 The Living Bible
Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way.
It is wonderful to know that whatever place we are in God is with us. I am not afraid of what is next just always praying for His guidance. When you cry about the sad things you might be experiencing, you are not alone, He is right beside you.
Always ask for his guidance.
Today Farmer Man had a better day. I thank God for that. He was mixed up later in the day and told some wild stories. Wondered about some things and I tried to clear it up but that is almost impossible. He asks me about lots of people and most of them are gone on to the next life.
I was the first place winner with my scarecrow,"Old Farmer Man."
I will give you another view of him.
Aunt Maria
Friday, October 2, 2009
Psalms 23:2-3
He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He restores my failing health. He helps me do what honors him the most.
I have always loved the country living. I love to walk in the fields and woods.
Walk in the meadow grass. Walking by and wading in Sims Spring creek as a child was wonderful. Looking for craw fish and small snails was fun. God's critters and creation was my life---I loved it. I still love it all, all my critters here on the farm helps me focus on what I am doing. My chickens are my prizes they are so lovely and talk to me and I talk to them. I thank God for where I am and all my blessings.
I know he will help me through whatever comes.
Farmer Man was doing fair today until dark that's when he is was confused about his little dog Tinkie. He didn't think it was her. He had to look at her for a while until he said yes it was her, he could tell by the spots on her back.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
23 Psalms
This is one of my favorite scriptures---Psalms 23:1
Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.
In times of uncertainty you have to have something to hold on to. A shepherd watches after his sheep and keeps them near him at all times. He feeds them, he waters them, and he heals their wounds.
I am glad I am in the care of my Jesus the good Shepherd.
Today has been another confused day here. He got up this morning OK I thought, but after the day went on I knew he was still mixed up. I can talk to him about something that he is confused about and think he understands, then in a few minutes I know he still is confused. The progression of his thinking has gotten much worse in the last three weeks. He doesn't get mad he just seems quiet calm. I thank God for that. The really sad thing is he thinks I am a new wife. He thinks we have been married about two weeks.
He is so confused at times he gets me confused. I do know I am the same old wife though.
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