I have been trying to get to my blog for days but my computer would not let me get here --until tonight.
I have been having some very painful days like over a week of it. Both shoulders have made me sick from the pain. Well I got an MRI last Wed. and it showed my rotated cup was torn into and had been so long it could not be reattached. It has formed a protective fat around one end the end that tore away I suppose. I said," What can I do ?"He told me to take physical therapy again and then do it my self as faithfully as brushing my teeth daily for the rest of my life.
I was thankful I don't have to have surgery but I must be tough as nails if this has been in this kind of shape so long. I did hurt my shoulder years ago shoveling mulch[a truck load] and had to go for therapy then. He said when I fell in Feb. I just hurt it bad and it is very inflamed. My Primary care Dr told me to take Ibuprofen three times a day and take Vitim D a 1000iu --2 a day for a week and then 1 a day from then on. He says everyone he has tested is low in Vitamin D. I will find out more about this --I will do little Internet research and let you know or tell you how much better I feel in a couple of weeks. I do know the physical therapy will help I have had that before.
I have things I want to get bact to and finish up before the end of the year gets here. I feel like now I will be better and get these things done.
Farmer Man is still good old Farmer Man. So confused but I go with him to the barn and he feeds the goats and waters the chickens and goats with my direction.
I am glad he can walk pretty good but does have to use his cane all the time.
God Bless,
Love Aunt Maria[marie]