I have been busy this week canning tomatoes and other things--I have canned 68 qts. so far of tomatoes. Hope to make the 100 qt..
Today I started the day off with picking the corn and shucking it to make my corn relish. Everyone loves corn relish and so do I. My mother always made it. I have a cook book that was her book---She bought it in 1947 one summer when I was 12 and had the most awful summer cold. I had an awful fever and was so sick. I remember lying in bed and the wall paper had flowers on it and the flowers would get larger and then get small again. I don't know what mother did to get me well but I am still here so it must have been a home remedy that worked.
One of the days while I was sick there was a salesman came selling the cook book and mother bought it. He came to the door and mother thought he was Dr Cooper a local Dr. she told him she didn't call the Dr and he laughed and said,"He was Dr Cooper's brother". Well I still have the book and it is full of all the old relishes and other good things we would make.
I got the corn relish made and it is delicious all I need is homemade biscuits to go with it.
Farmer Man helped me silk the corn but he feels bad so he doesn't do much of anything but rest and sleep. He is very mixed up lately talking about family a lot.
He wants to know where the other girl went to that had white hair like me. He really thinks there is another me. I tell him to let me hold his hand when we are sitting ,he in his recliner and me on the end of the couch. It helps to make him feel calmer and I tell him not to worry about things I will take care of things and him.
Have some pictures of my work and a pretty sunflower arrangement i gathered out of the garden.
Love Marie{aunt maria}
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