Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School Days

Wheel School students of Mrs. Jessie Russel.
This must have been about 1948-49 school yr.
The little boy on front row is my baby brother
Larry. He got a special day with us.
I am second row on the left. Next to me is my friend Jo Ann, my cousin June, my friend Bonnie, another friend Beatrice , then Mrs Jessie.
I think this was all 8th grade girls and maybe 7th also.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Something old to ponder!!!

Mt Lebanon Church group ---Bible School
in the 19 50's.
Stanley Henley pastor on top row far right.
Myrtle Boyce third row with Erma Cook next to her.
You can pick out lots of friends you know on here.

Sorry I got everyone side ways.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

More tomatoes!!!

Oh boy !!! Finished canning tomatoes and damsons finally. I canned 100 qts. tomatoes and many jar of damson preserves---also 15 qts. damsons for cobblers.
I enjoy preparing the tomatoes for canning they are so beautiful.
I gave lots of the damsons away the tree had so many on it. This has been a bountiful year for fruit. I thank God for all these wonderful things to eat and share. Apples next.
Not many figs though but what the tree has are sooo sweet.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tales of old.

Great grandpa took a little break from washing canning jars to tell Hunter and Hailee a few stories from when he was a boy. The damson tree made a good shade tree too.
The story was about the time he and some of his brothers took a ride down the hill in the buggy without a horse and ran over the big pig. All survived without any broken bones although the buggy turned over.

Uncle Omar

Great grandpa got in on the work too.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My angel.

There is my angel looking over my little rag tag garden .
Her halo hangs a little bit to the side. I guess our halo hangs a little bit to the side sometimes too. God still loves us anyways.

Partrige in a pear tree?

This is a hiding place for my two little game chicks. They flew from the plow handles high up into the pear tree.

Time for bed.

These two young chicks are looking up for a high place. In this high place they hide for the night.
These are game chicks they are more like wild birds when it comes to roosting at night.

Saturday finished for the week.

O Lord---I give thanks for the beauty and delicious things. Amen

Friday, August 8, 2008

Pie anyone?

I guess you would like for me to show you something more interesting than homemade apple pie?

Sunkissed fruit.

Organic fruit grown in the sun and rain.
Sooo sweet.


Cari seemed to enjoy her day on the farm.


We all worked on the damson tree but it is still full. I am sharing with all that come by.


I just have to show you these God given paintings of life.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


More butterflies in the garden.

Picking more damsons.

The girls helping.

My green helper.

Who could find anything in my secret garden? I bet my goats could if I would just let them come in with me.

More lessons.

Lessons in shucking corn and feeding the goats .
Aunt Maria needed the help gathering fruit and vegetables on the farm this week.
Great grand-daughter Jessica and her friend Cari
helping and learning things of the farm. It was a joy to have them.
Now on the farm you dont't look like city slickers
all dressed up--at least Aunt Maria doesn't.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

God's bounty!!!

Wonderful homegrown tomatoes.
Young children watch your mother do canning and preserving and learn from her.
You can probably help in picking the tomatoes and washing jars.

Damsons and three figs.

Today we picked this basket of damsons and you can't even miss them off the tree. This is one of the limbs that broke off from the weight of the fruit.


She sure would like for someone to come over to the fence and give her a few apples.
She loves all fruit from my fruit trees, apples ,pears, peaches, and damson plums ---she doesn't care if they have big seeds.