Monday, December 13, 2010


The last few days have been so messed up.I was enjoying my day last week with the girls and ate at Macaroni grill and broke loose one of my teeth--It didn't fall out but Fri it popped right out of my partial. I called the dentist and they are always out on Fri. I was going to take it to them on Mon. but I had this idea that I could glue it in with a tooth repair kit I got at the Dollar store--So I glued it in just like it said. Sat morning I ate breakfast and it was swallowed----Yes I said I swallowed my tooth. I did not look for it I went to dentist today and they put me in a new one and now I can calm down. By the way Angela told me what did I expect --The Dollar Store---I could have made up me some wallpaper paste and would hold as well. I got a little anxious about it being the very front tooth. I felt half naked.

I am taking Farmer Man to Day Care tomorrow and coming home and see if I can get things done---I had special things I had planned to make for the family but it has not materialized and is probably not---not in the way I wanted it to. I have another easier plan it will work. Christmas is all about Jesus and I do have my Nativity Set out where the children can talk about it.

Natty my cat is always looking out the window and I caught her in a new place---the kitchen window with the Christmas cactus and the Poinsettia. If you notice in the picture is a pile of rocks-these are treasures My Farmer Man brings me he picks rocks that are interesting some look like little animals some have a special shape some have shiny stuff in them and some are colorful and smooth. This is the little boy that I know now.
I keep the rocks I have them at lots of places sometimes I put them in a flower pot and he gets them out and shows them to me again.
This is OK I have always liked rocks too.

Love Aunt Maria[marie]

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


How did it get here so quickly this year? My year has been fast running through the valley. That's where i have been this year with my Old Farmer Man getting worse and my fall last Feb. I have battled with pain and confusion . I know my God has been with me through it all and we will come out of the valley soon. There has been some very good days and I am thankful for them. There has been some sad days ---when he looks at me every morning and asks where is his sisters and dad. I try diversion but he will keep on until I have to say again they are all dead. Then he tells me with sadness in his eyes,"That makes me sad."

Yesterday I made a decision to try a new place to take him for the day. I can take him from 8am until 5pm with breakfast, lunch and supper but I will not leave him that long at a time. Yesterday I took him at 10:00 and picked him up at 3:30 --he made it fine and found others to talk to and people that knew his father and his brother. When I went in to pick him up he was waiting in the parlor, which is beautiful and all decorated for Christmas, "He told me he had been waiting on me all day." He was OK and seemed more alert. I thought the interaction with other people might be a very good thing.
I will take him again tomorrow. I pray this works out for both of us.

I had a good day out Christmas shopping with my granddaughter, daughter and two great grand babies. What a treat and sometimes funny.

Will keep you posted on our progress.

Love Aunt Maria[marie]

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Old and The New

The reason for my title to this blog is no matter how old something is we love to hold on to it. It can be tattered and torn but it might be home and we love it. The memories we have of something --if good memories-- makes us feel good to think about them. It is hard for my husband now with his dementia to separate the old from the new. Dementia is such a robber---It robs the person of everything as it once was. His home place burned this weekend although no one had lived in the house for years, and it was in bad shape, he went home every night in his mind. Last night when I heard it was burning i told him about it, it really didn't mean much to him he just said I had some things out there in the shed. That was one of the things he was always talking about the things he still had up there. He never gets up in the morning that he wants to know where everyone is at. He had six sisters and five brothers and they are with him every day. Tonight before he went to bed he wanted to know if his bed burned? I told him no,your bed is right back there where you sleep every night. He was satisfied with that answer. He is more like a child now and it is sad to see. So you see why I put the old goat house on. See the goat face looking out one hole in the shack and one goat standing looking out the front---they loved that falling down shack. We did tear that down and build them a new one and they love it too.

Love Aunt Maria{marie}