Good evening --Long time no me on here.
Life is very busy for me now. Farmer man lives his life in bed now. I am here taking care of him AND
my Chickens.
It is getting closer and closer to spring and all the chickens are happy--Until the Great hawks invade the Hill. My girls and boys are all free range and that gets them in trouble. Early this morning when they all start going out to graze and enjoy the day, they all started screeching and flying toward the shrubs in the yard. I ran out and the hawk had one of my bantams and another hawk swooped down too.I ran toward them screaming and waving my arms, he turned her loose and she ran limping toward the shrubs and the other hawk tried to get her. I thought they got her because all the chickens were hidden by then. I went and fed them later and she was still with us but afraid and ruffled up.
This is not the first time they have been here, they come every day and have gotten one of my Japanese Bantams.
Every day now i will have to help them watch out for the hawks.
God Bless,
Love Aunt Maria