Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Design

I had to have you some picture today ---here is my 3 feather dusters taking a dirt bath. I just love these cute chickens.

I am trying to make a new look to my Blog. I may mess up so be patient with me.
Right now some how I think I have two blog spots and one probably carries you no where but they are the same name. I will be telling you more that is if you can even find this. Let me know if you are seeing Hill Farm Stories by Aunt Maria with all my postings. I would love to have new followers.

Aunt Maria{Marie}

Monday, July 26, 2010

Night Time Sunshine

I went out tonight and took some night time pictures and thought you might like to see them.

I finished my tomato canning and I got that 100 mark. I love canned tomatoes in the winter with most anything. For a snack I like peanut butter and crackers and a cup of home canned tomatoes. That might come from when I was a little girl in the summer when we came in from school I would go to the garden and pick me a tomato and go in the house and make peanut butter and cracker to go with it--- try it you will like it too I am sure.

Farmer Man is health ways doing good or pretty good but memory is getting worse and worse. Tonight he went way back to Korean War time and thought he had to go to Nashville to sign up for the service. He talked and talked about it--- and finally I told him I would call them and tell them he wasn't able to go to the services. That pleased him cause he said,"His ankle and leg hurt and he didn't feel like he could go"---So I took care of it and he felt better. Well God is with us and I thank Him every day for Farmer Man being up and able to get around.

Aunt Maria{Marie}

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Garden Art

I have been busy this week canning tomatoes and other things--I have canned 68 qts. so far of tomatoes. Hope to make the 100 qt..

Today I started the day off with picking the corn and shucking it to make my corn relish. Everyone loves corn relish and so do I. My mother always made it. I have a cook book that was her book---She bought it in 1947 one summer when I was 12 and had the most awful summer cold. I had an awful fever and was so sick. I remember lying in bed and the wall paper had flowers on it and the flowers would get larger and then get small again. I don't know what mother did to get me well but I am still here so it must have been a home remedy that worked.

One of the days while I was sick there was a salesman came selling the cook book and mother bought it. He came to the door and mother thought he was Dr Cooper a local Dr. she told him she didn't call the Dr and he laughed and said,"He was Dr Cooper's brother". Well I still have the book and it is full of all the old relishes and other good things we would make.

I got the corn relish made and it is delicious all I need is homemade biscuits to go with it.

Farmer Man helped me silk the corn but he feels bad so he doesn't do much of anything but rest and sleep. He is very mixed up lately talking about family a lot.
He wants to know where the other girl went to that had white hair like me. He really thinks there is another me. I tell him to let me hold his hand when we are sitting ,he in his recliner and me on the end of the couch. It helps to make him feel calmer and I tell him not to worry about things I will take care of things and him.

Have some pictures of my work and a pretty sunflower arrangement i gathered out of the garden.
Love Marie{aunt maria}

Sunday, July 11, 2010

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Sunday Blessings

I have always enjoyed going to church on Sunday and hearing an inspiring message from Pastor Doug. I don't get to go to Church now like I used to. Farmer Man went with me a few Sundays and then he started feeling sick on church day so now I only go about twice a month. The daughters stay with him when I get to go.
Today I thought God is everywhere I will go out with my camera and show all I have to enjoy here and all that God has supplied for me to share with others. I enjoy taking pictures of all God's creatures and his gifts to us.

I have sent this Smile Box to some of you but I thought someone else might like to see it.


Aunt Maria{Marie}

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Wampus Cat"

Have you ever heard of a Wampus Cat or do you know what one is? When I was growing up I used to hear my daddy say something about the "Wampus Cat". This was in reference to something scary or something strange happening. I never asked what a Wampus Cat was and I really never knew there was such a thing. Wampus cat is folklore and it was interesting when today I looked up Wampus Cat.

Today I have been canning tomatoes and Farmer Man came in the kitchen and started talking about the hogs being stolen. He wanted to know if I knew any thing about them and out of my mouth came these words," Maybe the Wampus Cat got them", I tell you my daddy popped into my head instantly and I remembered him speaking about that thing.

Well I finished my canning I came to my computer and looked up Wampus Cat---There it was for real. No pictures but the tale about the Indian Woman that was turned into half woman and half wild cat. Story goes, the Indian men would go out at night and meet to share tales in the woods---One of the women wanted to know what they were doing so she put on a cat skin and hid in the bushes to listen. The men saw her and caught her and tied her up in to the cats skin and put a spell on her and she roamed the woods and scared hunters by her following them and also scaring the farmers as half woman and half wild cat.

My daddy lived folk music , folk tales, folk singing and Bluegrass . I can hear old Jimmy Rogers songs he used to sing and I can still hear singing in the barn yard when I hear one of those old songs. My daddy passed away when he was only 57 yrs old --soo young.

I hope you will look up Wampus Cat in Tennessee Folk Lore.

This picture is of my daddy holding the reins, my grandfather ,me and my three little brothers. I am holding an animal of course, I think a rabbit.

God Bless all that read this story of remembering.
Aunt Maria {Marie}

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer Time

I have been lost seems lately. I haven't had a phone or computer for over a week and I really missed them. I have a cell phone but to tell the truth I don't really like talking on the cell phone. I used it everyday while my other phone was out because I had to ---I wanted to keep up with the world you know.

Other things I have been doing is i have canned tomatoes, peaches, blackberry jam and bread and butter squash pickles. I keep having squash-squash and more squash.
My okra is delicious--fried or boiled I love it any way.

My guineas are getting big enough the mother told them this week it was time to fly up into the pear tree with her and their father to roost at night. They cried and cried ,jumped and flew up onto anything that was getting them close to a limb---I tried to help by putting the ladder under the tree and they did use it and they got up there. They are not really very big about the size of a quail --not hardly that big but the mama wanted them up in that tree and she got them up there.

Farmer Man has helped me some with pealing peaches and that is about all. He sleeps a lot in the mornings. He has not felt very well lately. He can't get out in the heat much and I have to get him to come in because he will forget how long he has been out I guess. I know he gets so confused about so many things that everyday
we discuss the same things over and over. Right now he thinks someone has taken our hogs and we haven't had hogs in 35 years or longer so he is back in the past where most of the time he talks of the past. He is in pretty good shape and I am glad.
I love him and he loves me and soon we will be married 59 years --Aug.4Th. WOW WE what a long time.
Time to say,
Love Aunt Maria{Marie}