Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Flowers blooming early.

This January has been warm --cold--stormy, but no snow.I would like to have one snow that leaves the next day. I love to make pictures in the snow--Last year I made lots of pictures in the snow. I have one of my horse Ginger I just love it.

I have some little Buttercups blooming , I don't ever remember them blooming this early. In March, 2003 the year my mother passed away I picked one [SHE LOVED BUTTERCUPS] took it to the hospital for her and she passed on the 4th.

It was a beautiful sunrise this morning--Red skies in the morning sailors take warning. Well they looked like fire it was so red.

Love Aunt Maria[marie]

1 comment:

Carol Barnes said...

Loved the picture of the sunrise! It really does look like the sky is on fire. I have wondered about this weather we are having in Jan., too.