Well the busy season is about over. All my children,grandchildren and great grandchildren came on Christmas Eve. We ate lots and enjoyed all the family being together. I always put out my Nativity Set that I bought in Israel in 1993 it is made of olive wood. The great grandchildren like to move the animals and baby Jesus around in the manger. I also bought my four daughters a set and shipped to them from Israel. That trip was a memorable experience that I will never forget.
We visited many places Jesus had been and when you are there it gives you a closeness to Christ Jesus to walk where he had walked. We took a boat across the Sea of Galilee and we experienced a storm while we were on the boat. It came up so quickly and was really rough waves. We all had to go to the lower deck and prayed for it to calm down. It made us think of the storm on the Sea that Jesus calmed.
He also calmed it for us that day. We came home to the last big-big snow we have had in Tennessee --that was January 13,1993. We haven't had a snow that big since then.
I have to say Uncle Omar{Old Farmer Man} is not doing do well mentally. He got up with his gifts last night about 7:00pm and told me he was ready to go home. We all told him he was home and they all had to be the ones to leave. He is ready to go to bed about that time every night. He really scared me Christmas Eve morning---I got up and got his dog and went to his bedroom and opened the door to find his bed empty and had not been slept in. I frantically looked in every room and even looked outside to see that the truck was there ,and it was. I went to the basement door and opened and called for him and he answered from down there. I went down and he was curled up on the bed with one thin quilt over him--It is cold in the basement.
I asked him what he was doing down there and he told me some man got him by the arm and led him down there---It had to be his guardian angel that helped down those steps because he went down there in pitch dark and he never made a sound. He easily could have fallen down all the steps but didn't.
I thought he had gone to bed when I left him in the bathroom next to his bedroom that night and I had told him and shown him his bedroom. I didn't hear him open the basement door or close it and I was sitting close by watching Christmas Show on TV. I brought him up and put him to bed and he stayed in bed until noon and slept.
Now I have to be sure he is in bed before I relax and watch TV or anything else.
May put a buzzer on each door that would warn me if it was opened. He has been confused all day today.
Have a Happy New year.
Marie [aunt Maria]